jimmychu520 發表於 31-12-2007 14:00:50

Is it suitable for schools to organize exams after long holidays?

I think...
Good WAY..students can have more time to study.
Bad WAY..students caonnot enjoy the holiday..
What do you think?

[ 本帖最後由 不死之謎 於 27-1-2008 13:59 編輯 ]

小伶 發表於 31-12-2007 16:03:53

it's good for us to study more times,but i want to play more at the holiday.-_-"

wt21602003 發表於 31-12-2007 16:12:53

I think it is not suitable.
Although we can have more time to study,we also lost a lot of time to play-.-

外道 發表於 1-1-2008 13:16:40

I think enjoy the holiday....
Don't do the homemork~Theholiday have more time to play...!!

希汶 發表於 1-1-2008 23:31:18

I'm not so sure about whether it's suitable.
I think that the school is so theoretically think that students will spend so much time on study during holiday, isn't it?
Actually I'm the one who did not spend so much time on study during the pass x'mas holiday :P

BrYaNcHeUnG 發表於 2-1-2008 15:25:27

Sigh... I have the exam after the long holiday.
I don't like it and I won't prefer it.

Timothy 發表於 2-1-2008 18:15:47

my school is very good
coz we have holiday after exam

嵐=] 發表於 2-1-2008 20:55:06

i think the problem is that not many students will study in the hoilday @_@

7ond 發表於 2-1-2008 20:55:24

absolutely not!
It's just so obvious that it's not even possible for most students to study on holidays.
well, i admit that maybe a few will do so.
But for most normal students, like me, it's extremely hard to resist the temptation of computer games and other entertainments.
On the other hand, if the school arranges classes before exams, students' knowledge can surely be consolidated and have a better result.
Well, for some industrious students, holidays before exam may be good but generally speaking, I strongly disagree that students should have holidays before exam.

小草9 發表於 3-1-2008 22:39:24

It is very difficult to say whether this is good or bad.
Everyone has his own view.==
I think having exam after holiday is good because I could have enough time for studying.
(My English is not very good)
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