lawrence1234 發表於 10-3-2008 18:38:49

How long do you take to do your homework daily?

I think I do homework within 3hours.

[ 本帖最後由 hixyz111 於 15-3-2008 23:29 編輯 ]

Timothy 發表於 10-3-2008 21:42:09

i take 1-2 hours to do homework

lawrence1234 發表於 12-3-2008 17:11:09

you do it so quick you are so good...

ivan6098 發表於 13-3-2008 17:04:08

i should 1-2 hours to do homework

BrYaNcHeUnG 發表於 15-3-2008 00:41:09

I take one to two hours on homework daily.

杯水車薪 發表於 18-3-2008 17:29:08

I take two to three hours for doing my homework.

yin321 發表於 18-3-2008 19:55:20

I take less than 1 hour to do my homework

及時雨 發表於 21-3-2008 22:02:12

actually I won't spend any time on doing homework= =I'm lazy

Nothing-lol 發表於 21-3-2008 23:15:00

I'm f.4 student.
I think other students like band1 students is excellent.
I really hope i can take my all time to study daily in that the HKCEE is very important.
In fact,i can't do it.

qaswqasw 發表於 22-3-2008 16:06:41

i am f6 student....i just copy homework every day~
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